10 reasons to choose Python for your next web application project

Web app development , February 5, 2020 7 mins read

Python is one of the most trending programming languages for the past few years. Because of its stability and reliability, Python development services are being utilized by many organizations globally since its inception. Python for web development came into existence from the 1980s. Many other programming languages built after it, didn’t damage the reputation of Python.

According to W3Tech.com, Python is currently heading 1.1% of all websites running on server-side programming languages. The most popular version of Python is version 2 with 77.6% usage. As of now, Python is the third most utilized development language after Java and ASP.NET.

According to the TIOBE programming index, Since its inception, Python was one of the most popular and efficient programming languages. It has always been in the top 10 programming languages.

Python was invented using the object-oriented paradigm and has the edge over other established languages. It is a general-purpose, interpreted and high-level OOPs based dynamic programming language that focuses on rapid application development.

There are many aspects of why organizations are preferring to hire Python developers because of its huge demand. Some of its benefits, like robustness and fast performance, allows Python developers to create new software.

With the help of some important reasons, we will discuss why businesses should utilize Python development services for their web application development.

One of the significant advantages of using Python is user-friendly, simple, understandable, easy to learn, and intuitive language. Python development services are developed from the purpose of being handled by beginners with their easy-to-learn syntax. If you have a basic knowledge of any other web development language, you can quickly learn Python and implement it in your projects.

  • Popular and in demand

In today’s era, Python is very popular and also the fastest-growing language. Moreover, according to IEEE Spectrum 2018, it was ranked first in top development languages. Because of its popularity and a huge demand, Python developers are quite highly paid, especially in Machine learning, Data Science, and Web development.

  • Reduced development time

Python is the best option for the swift development of web apps, and Python makes the development process faster as compared to other programming languages. As there is a direct proportion between the development time and cost; a small amount of development time will save you money too.

  • Free to use

Python and all its supported set of libraries, tools, and modules are free to use. The Python development organizations won’t charge any cost for any such things. There are so many Python IDEs that are free to download like PTVs, Pydev with Eclipse, and Spyder Python all are free to download. This is one of the most significant benefits which makes Python more efficient than any other programming language.

  • Supported by a large community

Python language has lots of supporters and programmers who work with an impressive dedication to improving the core functionalities and features of the language. Therefore, you can get a quick solution for your complex programs in your Python development project.

  • Excellent support for SEO services

Python’s code has excellent readability, helps your site rank high in search results. Django, one of the frameworks of Python, generate readable website links and URLs using the best SEO practices and the most relevant keywords.

  • Speed and productivity

Python is an object-oriented language, has capabilities for controlling process. Plus it has the potential to process text, and it has its own unit testing framework, all of these features combining provides both speed and productivity. With this Python development, companies make high-performance web applications for their clients.

  • Less complexity 

Python involves less code, decreases the time and cost of developing an app. Many programmers have pointed out that the main benefit of writing in Python is the little effort that is required compared to other programming languages, such as C++ or Java. Since Python reduces the length of written code, it allows developers to work quickly; even a small team of developers can handle Python effectively.

For example, we are simply printing “Hello, World!” in C++, the code is: #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << “Hello, world! “; return 0; } While in Python, it is simply written as: print(“Hello, world!”).

  • Flexibility and scalability

Python provides you with the higher-level application logic in line with the changing user requirements, without making any modification in the fundamental underlying components. You can also offer simplification in the complex code quickly, thus responding to client requirements faster and gaining the first-mover advantage.

  • Integration feature

This programming language integration feature that makes it easy to develop Web services by invoking COBRA or COM components. It has some additional capabilities as it calls directly through C, C++ or Java via Jython. Python also processes XML and other markup languages as it can run on all modern operating systems through the same byte code.

  • User-friendly data structures

Python has built-in dictionary data structures that can be utilized to build fast runtime data structures. This programming language also provides high-level data typing that diminishes the length of support code that is required.

  • Extensive support libraries

Python has large standard libraries that include areas like the internet, string operations, web service tools, protocols, and operating system interfaces. Most of the highly used programming tasks are performed by using these interfaces that limit the length of the codes to be written in Python.

  • Best programming language for ML and AI

A vibrant technology stack, fast app development, strong community support, and a vast number of libraries and frameworks make Python one of the best programming languages for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

According to Google Trends, the interest in Python for Machine Learning has increased as a comparison with other ML languages such as Java, R, Julia, Scala, etc.

Additionally, the understandable syntax of Python enables developers to quickly start AI development without putting in much effort and time to learn the language.

Why choose RavStack for Python app development

RavStack has an expert team of Python developers who have rich experience with frameworks like Django, Flask, Pyramid, Twisted, etc. Our team is committed to developing highly efficient and productive Python apps for every device.

Our developers have proficient knowledge of tools and techniques that are introduced in the industry, incorporating them in our development process to deliver the best outcomes to our clients.

A collective performance provided by our team of Python app developers, coders and project managers give us a lead in the league. With their incontestable efficiency in managing multiple projects at a time help us and our clients stay ahead of the game.

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Ravi Sharma

Ravi is an out of the box thinker, mentor, advisor, and consultant to businesses, helping them in choosing the right technology partner. With more than 2 decades of work experience in global IT business, he possesses a talent for putting in place unique strategies and measures for streamlining operations, invigorating businesses, and heightening productivity.

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